
Our policy is within 15 days of receipt for an Online Purchase.

Returns & Exchanges

To be eligible for an exchange  your item must be unworn and unused (i.e., unworn, and unwashed, no scuffs on the soles of boots) It must also be in the original packaging. For boot purchases, please try them on a soft surface or carpet to avoid marks and scratching on the outsoles.  

Texas Country allows returns for exchange or store credit within 7 days of receiving your purchase. Boots can be exchanged or credited if they are in new condition with unscratched soles. 

No Refunds 

We do not provide refunds, however we do offer store credit or the option to exchange for an item of equal value. 

For an exchange  please email us at or call 713-962-1298 to specify what you would like to exchange for. 

 Exchange for an Online Purchase

 Please allow 3 - 5 business days for online exchange to be processed. Please contact us at or (713)962-1298 if you have more questions.